Friday, November 8, 2019

Document for Peer Reviewer:Lesson Plan & Presentation

Individual Assignment: Lesson Plan Presentation

by Donelle Knight-French

Individual Assignment: The Lesson Plan

Section 1: Lesson Preparation
Teacher Name:

Donelle Knight-French
Grade Level:


21st October, 2019

Marketing/Business Innovations
Instructional Plan Title:
The Marketing Mix-The 4 Ps of Marketing

Lesson Summary and Focus:

The lesson will help students to understand the marketing mix with the end result of applying it to a business that they have previously conceptualized.  Students will engage in Reflective/Reflexive group activities based on findings that were garnered from market research activities.  In addition, students will be required to reflect on the marketing mix concept with the aim of determining how this knowledge can benefit them in the future.

Classroom and Student Factors/Grouping:
There are 5 students with on ILP and IEPs in the class.  This lesson will be proved to the Learning Support Coordinator who will work with me to coordinate any accommodations of modifications

Specific Learning Target(s)/Objectives:
By the end of this lesson students should be able to:
Define the elements of the marketing mix
Apply the marketing mix to various products and services
Given findings which have been collected based on the group’s proposed businesses students should be able to reflect on data in order to create an effective marketing mix for their proposed business/service.

Resources, Materials, Equipment, and Technology:
Canvas Learning Management System
Zoom conferencing software
Findings which have been collected with regards to marketing research
Tic-Tac-Toe board
Student laptops

Section 2: Instructional Planning
Anticipatory Set
·       I will use an explanatory video about the marketing mix concept
·       Students will lead discussion based on what they have watched.

Time Needed

10 minutes
Multiple Means of Representation
·       I will use an online graphic organizer to illustrate the core elements of the marketing mix.
·       I will provide an article regarding how popular companies develop their marketing mixes
·       A video which delves into the importance of identifying the target market to determining the marketing mix will be used.
·       I will allow students to conduct research using the Internet to share information about areas of the Marketing mix as it relates to popular companies and products.
Time Needed

25 minutes
Multiple Means of Engagement
1.     Students will engage in collaborative group work over Zoom in breakout rooms in order to create and discuss a marketing mix based on research findings that have been collection with regards to the product/service concept that was developed in a previous lesson.
2.     Students will be required to reflect how the marketing affect them and submit a reflective piece
Time Needed

30 minutes
Multiple Means of Expression
Students will use the following Tic-Tac-Toe board to choose the assignments they would like to complete over the course of the unit.
In this unit you must complete the center grid for 60 points.  This is the only MANDATORY assignment.  In addition to this question you will then two other squares to equal the other 20 points you may not earn more than 80 points in this unit.  You will find detailed instructions on Moodle for each assignment.

Use the 4 Ps of marketing to create a short marketing campaign for a product/service- written, video, podcast, presentation  (10 points)
A song about Marketing (10 points)
Marketing: Artistic presentation and interpretation (10 points)
Critique an existing marketing campaign-written, video, podcast, presentation (10 points)
Part A
Reflect on the data collected through conducting your market research and create a marketing mix for your product/service concept.  Reflect on the marketing process and focus on what went well, what can be improved and what you will do differently next time. (35 points)
Part B
Submit a reflective piece entitled How does the marketing mix affect me?  (25 points)

Call a community business and discuss the company’s marketing plan.   (10 points)
How does marketing affect me? written, video, podcast, presentation (10 points)
Role Play-As long as we have a good product marketing is not important. (10 points)
Read chapter 5 (marketing) of your text book and write a summary of each section.  (10 points)

Students will complete part A of  the compulsory question by the end of this lesson.

Time Needed
55 minutes
Extension Activity and/or Homework
Students will complete two additional assignments from the tic-tac-toe grid for a total of 40 marks.  All activities relate to the learning outcomes.

Time Needed

1 week

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Donelle Knight-French-EDLM6200-Reflective-Reflexive Practices in Technology-Enabled Environments

Reflections by Donelle Knight-French Image credit: